Hostel Facility

HOSTEL:     A home away from home – NVIS  Residential NVIS Hoshangabad has an additional facility of a hostel for boys and girls with a capacity to accommodate 250 students. The facility is in the form of airy rooms which can dwell 4-6 students in each unit. The school provides all modern infrastructure, hygienic and sanitized living conditions, happy and creative environment, etiquettes, manners & grooming, balanced and nutrient diet necessary to growing children.

HOSTEL RULES: Students must maintain the required norms of discipline and follow code of conduct in the School and hostel.  Though utmost care and attention is given, the school does not accept responsibility for any mishap, accident, loss of property or any illness of the student. The School will also not be liable to compensate any claim for the above. The parents and guardians will be bound by the School& hostel rules as amended from time to time. Indiscipline, contempt of code of conduct, grave insubordination, bragging etc. will raise
grounds for the student's termination from School & hostel.  Food parcels from parents are not encouraged. Students are not allowed to keep walkman, transistors, electric shavers, cameras, mobiles or other expensive articles with them in the hostel. For ordinary ailments, parents are not informed. If a student is admitted to the hospital, information is sent to the parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to keep cash with them. Any unauthorized money found with the students may be confiscated and credited to Social Service league.  Borrowing or lending of money and other personal belonging from each other is strictly prohibited. A ll correspondence by parents/ guardians should e addressed to the Principal.
Parents and guardians are not allowed to meet their wards directly in their Hostel rooms. Ragging in any form is totally and strictly prohibited. Harassment, stealing, teasing or any form of ill treatment inflicted on juniors or other students will constitute a serious offence and may result in the expulsion of the offender from the School.